Living the RV Dream

Living the RV Dream

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mister Ranger Sir

When we first came to this area we thought that with the casinos here we would be able to find some work until we head to Wyoming for our summer gig. That has not worked out so we have been enjoying exploring the area.

A couple of weeks ago Victoria was reading one of the blogs she follows about some full timers that were volunteering for the National Park Service in Lake Mead in exchange for a RV site. We thought maybe we could do that so we inquired. We were too late in the season to get a RV space but were told there were opportunities to help if we were interested. We decided it would be an interesting and fun thing to do. We interviewed with Ranger Amanda who is in charge of the Lake Mohave Recreational Area just up the road and we got the job.
Ms. Ranger Sir

Our first assignment was today. Amanda is working with several other agencies on a day use park that will soon be opening along the Colorado River on the Nevada side. Part of her involvement is working with the local high school students on designing and building the recycling containers for the park. Today the students were making a field visit to the park to learn about what is needed and to discuss the design and locations of the recycle bins. We went along as a couple of extra set of hands if needed and to help chaperone the students.
Amanda instructing the students

The park is going to have several different areas and uses. There is a paved path that wonders along the river for about a mile or so. The path is for walking and bicycles. The path starts near the casinos and you have to cross a beautifully designed walking bridge over the highway. It leads to a day use area that by car must be accessed from a different entry up the road.
The foot bridge

We next drove to the day use area and our first stop was at the equestrian area. There they have small corrals and paddock s for the horses. The area is the starting point of a back country trail system.
Next we went to the main area where there is going to be picnic areas a small water park and fishing on the river. This section still has quit a bit of work to be done to it. This part of the park is also at the foot of Davis Dam and you get some great views of the dam and the river.
More instructions

Students measuring a dumpster for reference
When the dam was constructed neither Bullhead City nor Laughlin existed. The company that built the dam also built a small town to house the workers. It had a general store a theater and housing for the hundreds of workers. Ruins of the old town still remain. Another responsibility of the students is to make plagues with descriptions and maybe historical photos of the buildings. It is going to be a very impressive park when it is complete.
Fireplace from the old town
Our first day of volunteering was fun and interesting. We, along with the students, learned a lot about the history of area and the plans for the park from our guide Jason who works for the Bureau of Reclamation. The kids were great. They are all juniors and seniors so there was little chaperoning needed. They all seemed to have genuine interest in the park and the part they will have in helping with the design.
Our next assignment is roving a canyon that has petro glyphs in it and monitoring the foot traffic. We are looking forward to being outside and helping out.

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